Team Lead Contact Information
Gwen Orlowski
Executive Director
Disability Rights New Jersey

Ambassador Project Showcase
Supported Decision-Making (SDM) Planning
The New Jersey state team seeks to promote supported decision-making as a more widely accepted alternative to guardianship. Our team includes our youth ambassadors, the NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities, The Boggs Center for Developmental Disabilities, the NJ Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN), and Disability Rights NJ.
As part of the community of practice, the team will educate itself on best practices from outside the state and from experts here in New Jersey. In turn, we will then educate individuals with I/DD, families, educators/school system personnel, the judiciary, disability attorneys, advocacy organizations, and support coordination agencies about the value of self-determination and supported decision-making. We envision a multimedia approach that will include webinars, written materials, videos, and other forms of media complimented by the youth ambassadors’ projects. Guardianship is systematically entrenched as the default option for youth with disabilities upon reaching adulthood, so we ultimately hope to change that restrictive culture through education.
- Disability Rights New Jersey, Supported Decision-Making 101 Webinar
- The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities Lecture Series (DDLS) – Fall 2022 – Supported Decision Making, presented by Michael Kendrick, PhD
- The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, Boggs Cast Episode 10: Supported Decision Making with Jonathan Martinis, Esq., JD
- New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities Volume.2.2022.pdf (
- New Jersey Lawyer Magazine, December 2022 Edition, Overprotected: Can Supported Decision-Making Disrupt the Pipeline from Special Education to Guardianship?
Training Curriculum
- The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, NJ Partners in Policymaking – Supported Decision- Making is a part of the curriculum with one full day dedicated to the topic each year.