
How are States Supporting Alternatives to Guardianship for Youth with IDD

Presenters: Cathy Costanzo, Fil Clissa, Jordan Anderson, Ruby Moore
Published with the kind permission of the Reinventing Quality Conference.

data infographic

Data Infographic

National Core Indicators data show that people with IDD who do not have guardians are more likely to make important life decisions than those who have guardians.


Exploring Alternatives to Guardianship: A Brief for Youth with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities and Their Supporters

This brief talks about some differences between people with IDD who have guardians and people with IDD who do not have guardians. It also discusses alternatives to guardianship, including supported decision-making and offers resources to learn more about alternatives to guardianship.


Resource List on Transfer of Idea Rights For Students with Disabilities

This publication contains resources related to the transfer of IDEA rights for students with disabilities covering a broad range of literature types under the following categories: empirical research, law and policy analysis, professional resources, parent resources, self- advocacy materials, and general resources.