Plain Language Series

Turning 18: What Parents & Teachers Need to Know
This tip sheet is for special education professionals, parents, and supporters of youth with IDD in transition. It talks about how to help improve the experiences of students when discussing their turning 18 options.

Preparing for the Transfer of Rights: Taking a Closer Look at Guardianship and its Alternatives
This brief was written by self-advocate researchers from Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS) and Self-Advocacy Association of New York State (SANYS).

Exploring Alternatives to Guardianship: A Brief for Youth with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities and Their Supporters
This brief talks about some differences between people with IDD who have guardians and people with IDD who do not have guardians. It also discusses alternatives to guardianship, including supported decision-making and offers resources to learn more about alternatives to guardianship.

Data Infographic
National Core Indicators data show that people with IDD who do not have guardians are more likely to make important life decisions than those who have guardians.

What Do You Need to Know About Guardianship?
This fact sheet shares some of the top facts that youth with intellectual or developmental disabilities, their parents, and other supporters you should know about guardianship.

Resource List
This publication is a resource list for youth and supporters wanting to learn more about transfer of rights and alternatives to guardianship.