
Jordan Anderson is a recent high school graduate who loves sports, politics, and journalism. He enjoys living in a small town in Auburndale, WI where there is always someone to stop and talk to.
In 2020, when Jordan turned 18, he almost lost his voting and other decision-making rights. Luckily, a day before he was set to go to court for his guardianship hearing, Jordan attended a self-determination conference where he learned about supported decision-making and alternatives to guardianship. “It blew me away how much I didn’t know,” Jordan noted, adding that he was at the brink of losing his voting rights and his ability to choose who represents him.
Jordan used this new knowledge on supported decision-making and alternatives to guardianship to talk to his parents about his concerns. His parents, who had not previously heard about supported decision-making or alternative to guardianship, listened to him and worked to learn quickly before the hearing. Jordan’s parents dropped the guardianship, and Jordan now has a power of attorney for healthcare and finances. He is thankful that he got this information and that his parents listened to him just hours before the court hearing.
Jordan is amazed at how learning about supported decision-making and alternatives to guardianship changed his life in such a big way. He is now using his advocacy and presentation skills to talk to other people with disabilities, and to advocate for himself and others. He now co-leads the Wisconsin State Team for the Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice.
Jordan and Supported Decision-Making
Jordan was just hours away from a court hearing that would have awarded his parents guardianship. In this video Jordan shares his supported decision-making story and how he almost lost his rights. Jordan also talks about being part of the Youth Ambassador program through CYVYC that trains self-advocates about alternatives to guardianship.
The video was produced by the Wisconsin Board For People with Developmental Disabilities.