Team Lead Contact Information
Kirsten Murphy
Executive Director
Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council

Meet Our Ambassadors
Supported Decision-Making (SDM) Planning
The Vermont State Team is working on eliminating barriers to Supported Decision-Making and other tools involving alternatives to guardianship for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
This includes, for example, developing strategies for incorporating discussion of decision-making rights earlier on in the transition planning process and addressing school refusal to recognize the right of adult students in special education to use educational powers of attorney.
The Vermont State Team seeks to raise the status of Supported Decision-Making as a recognized and legitimate option in Vermont. It is planning to roll out an intensive training for self-advocates and families to work on a unified messaging campaign that will reach all populations and sectors in Vermont that that need to know more about Supported Decision-Making.
- Information for Students and Families About Alternatives to Guardianship for Education Decisions
- Information for People with Disabilities and Their Families About Using Alternatives to Guardianship for Financial Decisions
- Supported Decision-Making Packet for Students, Families and Educators
- Example of Vermont court order terminating a guardianship in favor of a Supported Decision-Making Agreement (November 2021)