Corissa is a kind and happy student from Lansing, Michigan. Corrisa is 15 years old and in the 8th grade. Corissa’s favorite things are science and reading. They also very much enjoy advocating individually and for others. Corissa has presented information on women’s education and enjoys public speaking. As one of the youngest supported decision-making Ambassadors in training, Corissa is looking forward to increasing individual advocacy skills as well as helping others to achieve their dreams for their adult lives. When asked why they applied to be an Ambassador, Corissa stated, “This is a great new opportunity for me to learn and give back to my community”.
Corissa's Showcase
Corissa does an interview where they share their decision-making experiences as someone with a disability. They bring awareness to misconceptions about disabilities and decision-making. Corissa also answers questions about their experience as a Michigan Youth Ambassador.
Other Content
Read Corissa’s presentation on supported decision-making. They discuss the difference between supported decision-making and guardianship, and look at tools to address decision-making concerns. The presentation concludes with real life examples of supporting young adults in making decisions.