Darien is 25 and from Ellenwood GA. He graduated from Kennesaw State University where he majored in public speaking. Darien now works at the Center for Leadership in Disability, at Georgia State University, as the Community Advocate Specialist where he educates and trains others on advocacy. He is also an alumnus of the Georgia Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities program, the AUCD Leadership Academy and My Voice, My Participation, My Board program where he is currently a trainer. Watch Darien’s interview about supported decision-making on Real Talk with Rita Young.
Darien's Showcase
Darien shares his thoughts on guardianship and the importance of alternatives, and why people with intellectual/developmental disabilities should be supported to make their own decisions.
Other Content
Darien Todd is interviewed on Real Talk with Rita. Darien and Rita discuss supported decision making as an alternative to guardianship.
Darien and other Youth Ambassadors sit down for a discussion about alternatives to guardianship in their states for the Self-Determination channel hosted by Ashley Mathy.