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Ambassador Project Showcase
Supported Decision-Making (SDM) Planning
The South Carolina team meets monthly to collaborate on ways to share information and resources that will encourage supported decision making and other alternatives to guardianship. In recent years, resources have been created to enable youth and their families to gauge opportunities being provided for skill building and set goals for increasing opportunities for skill growth and development. In addition, tools have been created to foster a seamless transition between pediatric and adult health care providers with the ultimate goal of encouraging self-determination in youth with disabilities as it pertains to medical decision-making.
As a state team, South Carolina is working to add crucial members to our youth team to ensure representation from various stakeholders is included in our project’s efforts. In addition, South Carolina has a history of utilizing a peer mentorship model to connect youth with disabilities with their peers in the disability community. South Carolina’s youth ambassadors are developing projects that complement the work being done by the state team and will extend the team’s outreach efforts to youth and young adults across South Carolina and further promote the peer mentorship model.
- The Supported Decision Making Manual for Individuals and Families
- El Manual de Toma de Decisiones con Apoyo para Personas y Familiares: Español
- Stop, Look, and Listen: Planning for Independence and Adult Decision Making Support
- Stop, Look, and Listen: Transition to Adult Healthcare